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Using data from Chinese A-share listed enterprises from 2007 to 2023, this study employs a two-way fixed effects model to examine the effects of internal control quality, CEO duality, ownership concentration, and financial distress on corporate fraud. The benchmark results indicate that higher internal control quality mitigates the risk of corporate fraud, while CEO duality, ownership concentration, and financial distress increase this risk. Robustness checks utilizing lagged variables confirm these findings. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that in highly leveraged firms, CEO duality and ownership concentration significantly increase fraud risk, whereas internal control quality reduces this risk. In low-leveraged firms, internal control quality reduces fraud, and CEO duality and financial distress increase fraud risk. Analysis based on business cycle heterogeneity shows the importance of robust internal controls in both fast and slow cycles, with varied effects of CEO duality and ownership concentration. Industry analysis indicates that internal controls are crucial in both heavily and less polluted industries, with ownership concentration and financial distress having significant impacts in less polluted sectors. Policymakers should mandate stricter internal control requirements and regular audits to ensure compliance and effectiveness.
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Yingda Tang, Chi Li. Examining the Factors of Corporate Frauds in Chinese A-share Listed Enterprises. OAJRC Social Science, 2023, 4(3), 63-77.
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