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Integrate Review Postoperative Pain Assessment in Surgical Adult Patients

Mei Zhou

Senior Nurse, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department, Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital, Guizhou, China.

*Corresponding author: Mei Zhou

Published: 23 November 2022 How to cite this paper


This integrative review aimed to systematically searching update evidences in postoperative pain assessment regarding surgical adult patient and the existing tools as well as its the psychometric properties of the existing tools for postoperative pain assessment among adult patients. The method of this review was conducted by integrating review. The database search through PubMed and CINAHL, and additional searching was undertaken in The Journal of Pain Management. The search was limited with English studies from 2014 to Jan. 2019.  The included studies contain one guideline, two systematic review studies, one mix methods research, and six descriptive studies with sample size range from 21 to 144. Among of these studies mentioned eight types of pain assessment tools including numerical pain scale (NRS), CAPA, Wong-Baker Faces pain scale, color circled pain scale, 11-faces pain scales, visual analog scale (VAS) and verbal rating scale (VRS). And four studies test the psychometric properties of pain assessment tools. Consequently, numerical pain scale is widely used to detect pain intensity after surgery. However, based on the updated evidence, postoperative pain assessment should beyond pain intensity, onset and duration of pain, pain location, and duration, quality of pain, aggravating and relieving factors, previous treatment and pain effect, as well as barriers to pain assessment should be measured.

KEYWORDS: Pain, pain assessment, pain assessment tool


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How to cite this paper

Mei Zhou. Integrate Review Postoperative Pain Assessment in Surgical Adult Patients. OA Journal of Nursing Research, 2022, 1(2), 23-27.

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