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Traumatic Childbirth Experiences of Father: A Meta-intergration of Qualitative Research

Fengling Li1, Zhaoxia Chen1,*, Xuemei Wei2, Qi Shi1, Dinna S. Duan2, Tao Xiong3, Yang Li3, Yuxi Zheng3

1Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical University, Obstetrics Department, Sichuan, China.

2Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical University, Department of Nursing, Sichuan, China.

3School of Nursing, North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Zhaoxia Chen

Published: 1 September 2022 How to cite this paper


Childbirth trauma is a hot research topic in recent years, but it is often concerned with maternal psychological problems, and the psychological childbirth trauma of fathers is often ignored. A total of 9 studies were included in this study, 10 categories were extracted, and 4 integrated results were obtained. Main Themes divided into external or internal needs of fathers, varying experiences of support role, spouse relationship problems and challenges and vulnerability from birth trauma. Meantime, the sub-themes contains inadequacy support, need to be informed, costs and delivery choices, fathers’ understanding of the experience in antenatal and postpartum, support role and system of fathers, challenges of fathers’ and paternal involvement in maternal and child care, challenges of fatherhood and spouse relationship, recommendations by fathers, lack of care and communication after birth, being vulnerable during the transition into fatherhood and mental occupation and bodily sensations and emotions. In order to better cope with the birth trauma of fathers, it is necessary to establish a sound coping mechanism, provide professional psychological support to fathers, and timely channel fathers' negative emotions, so as to protect fathers' mental health.

KEYWORDS: Psychological Childbirth Trauma, Father, Meta-intergration, Qualitative Research


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How to cite this paper

Fengling Li, Zhaoxia Chen, Xuemei Wei, Qi Shi, Dinna S. Duan, Tao Xiong, Yang Li, Yuxi Zheng. Traumatic Childbirth Experiences of Father: A Meta-intergration of Qualitative Research. OAJRC Social Science, 2022, 3(1), 10-18.

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